Welcome to Egg My Yard Oklahoma, where we transform your ordinary front yard into a magical Easter wonderland! Imagine the joy on your child's face as they wake up to discover a colorful array of fun-filled eggs scattered across the lawn or hidden in a variety of places, each bursting with delightful surprises like toys and name-brand candies.

At Egg My Yard Oklahoma, we take the hassle out of Easter preparations for parents. No need to stay up late stuffing eggs or worrying about hiding spots – our team of Easter Bunnies does it all for you! Simply place your order, and let us sprinkle our magic to create an unforgettable Easter egg hunt experience right at your doorstep.

Why choose Egg My Yard Oklahoma?

  1. Convenience for Parents: Say goodbye to the stress of preparing for Easter. Let us handle the egg hiding, so you can enjoy more quality time with your loved ones.

  2. Customizable Packages: Tailor your egg hunt to your preferences with our customizable packages. Choose the number of eggs and the level of excitement you want for your child, by adding extra goodies, like baskets and chocolates.

  3. Quality Treats: We believe in delivering the best experience. That's why our eggs are filled with top-notch, name-brand candies and playful toys that will keep the smiles coming.

  4. Safe and Secure: Our professional team ensures that the egg hunt is not only fun but also safe. We prioritize the well-being of your children, making it a worry-free experience for parents, but remember to make sure to check if anything is too small for your aged child.

  5. Memories that Last: Create lasting memories with a unique and delightful Easter celebration. Your child will cherish the joy of discovering hidden treasures right in their own front yard. PLUS a note from the Easter Bunny!

Ready to make this Easter extra special? Place your order with Egg My Yard Oklahoma and let the magic of a hassle-free, joy-filled Easter egg hunt unfold right at your doorstep!